Monday, August 19, 2013

Hangovers: Painful but Necessary

Hangovers, whether from alcohol or mission trip spiritual highs, are always important. It is the time meant for reflection and decision. A decision might be negative, like in the case of alcohol: I'm never drinking that much again. Or it can be positive: I'm going to use what God has taught me on my mission trip and grow instead of waiting until the next big thing to stretch me again. I'm sure you already know which hangover I want to talk about. My mission hangover has definitely been on the down side after such a high in Zambia. Why wouldn't it be? It's only natural. But I've been able to use this time to grow and build more character. Zambia presented me with a lot of amazing experiences that I will cherish, but it is time to make the decisions about how that will change my life and build character. I've been focusing a lot on Romans 5:3-5 lately. It says, "We can rejoice when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." The trials I am facing now are more internal and emotional than I expected them to be, but I know that I can rejoice during these times. I know that this is where the endurance is formed which ultimately leads to a hope that will not lead to disappointment. My prayer lately is that God shows me why he has me here at home. My purpose was so clear to me while I was in Zambia. I'm constantly telling myself that God has a purpose for me here as well. The Great Commission does not call me to go far only to go. So as I go in my normal routine of life, my desire is to know God more and to spread his message no matter which continent I am on for God loves ALL people, not just the Zambians. So keep me accountable for showing God's love in Pennsylvania. Ask me about it. Talk to me about what God is teaching me. Just one final thing: What are your trials teaching you? And are we representing Christ well by showing His love to everyone we come in contact with? (I'm still answering both these questions). Until next time, go. And be God's love to the world.

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