Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I know it's been almost two weeks since I've posted what's going on in my life and I apologize for taking forever. But I was back in my room by 2am Saturday morning. It was nice to be done traveling, that's for sure. I will continue to post things that God is teaching me even in America so I hope you continue to read my blog. Just be warned, there probably won't be any cool stories about one of the 7 wonders of the world or anything like that, but my prayer is that you will still marvel at what God is doing right here in Pennsylvania. And my encouragement to you is to join God in His work where you are, whether it be Pennsylvania, the West Coast, or China for all I care. But serve God where He has placed you because you're there for a reason. (Something that I've been learning since coming home). But if this is the last time you ever read my blog until the next "adventure" comes around, I want to share some last words with you. They are words that were given to me by a dear friend in Zambia. And I ask you all to keep me accountable to these words. "Hello, Just hope you're doing great while trying to pursue godliness. Say, the measure of your holiness is the measure to which you're obedient to the Holy Spirit in all your faculties of thoughts, emotions, and your everyday actions. Remember, 'Just as He who called you is holy, be holy in all that you do...' (1 Pet 1:15). And 'do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance' (1 Pet 1:14). Rather take up your cross and follow Jesus, this accompanies self-denial' (Matt 16:24-25). Hay, HOLINESS IS NOT AN OPTION BUT A MUST FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN." I hope you take this little snip-it to heart and ask God, with the power of the Holy Spirit, to make you holy. Strive towards the Kingdom and seek Him first (Matt 6:33...my version :D). So either until what the world calls an "adventure" or you read about my normal every day adventure called my life, I bid you farewell. (I start school next month which is going to be an adventure so stay tuned if that's what you're looking for :D). And serve God where you are, and above all, seek His kingdom in your hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Excellant! And those words are definately what we all need to strive for daily. To think that you are learning this lesson before you even turn 20 is a miracle in itself! :)
