Friday, June 21, 2013

A True Miracle

If I ever doubted that miracles happened every day, I won't doubt again because today I lived a miracle. The morning all started with a routine trip a health clinic to acquire malaria pills for my trip. I was already frustrated with this company for not giving me straight answers earlier in the week, but I needed the medicine. So I dutifully went down and listened to a woman trying to sell me multiple vaccinations and pills for an hour before I insisted that all I wanted was malaria pills. I'm allergic to the pills that were being provided so I was extra stubborn when trying to confirm that I would be able to take this medicine. I'm sure she was frustrated with me and my family. My options were an expensive medication, one that was unreliable, and another that caused psychotic breakdown. My family and I decided that the first option was the best except for the $340 price tag. While I waited for the word from my parents, they made calls to see if the doctor could prescribe the same medication. As I drove away from the center, my only guarantee of medication, I received the call that the doctor had prescribed the pills that I needed, estimated price of $250, still expensive but much better! Only to discover that my insurance had covered the medication and my cost was $10! This could not be possible. It is a true miracle. I have know doubt that God had me in his hands and that he was showing me that he is a God of details and that nothing is too small to escape his notice.

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