Friday, June 14, 2013

Valley Low to a Mountain High

I have come through one part of the journey since I have raised all my funds for Zambia. And it truly has been a journey that God has been steering and I've only been riding along. My curiosity for God and what he is able to do has only grown in the past month. As of May 29ish, I had only raised about half of my funds. I have to be honest with you, I was very nervous and scared. I was starting to doubt that I was supposed to go and if God would bring the money in. But God gave me a verse that I clung to; Exodus 14:14, the Lord with fight for you; you only have to be silent. So that's exactly what I was forced to do. God didn't give me any other option other than to be silent during my failed car wash in which I waited all day to not wash any cars. God was telling me that it wasn't going to be through my own power this time that I was going to get something done, it had to be him. And within the week, God provided $1000. God did, not me. And now just a few weeks later, the rest has come in. In addition to the funds that I had to raise, I had to get a $100 yellow fever shot, but God provided the funds through donations to pay for that as well as cover the cost for the visa that I needed expedited. God has truly been good and faithful to his word. He has also been teaching me very personal and life changing lessons before I even set a foot on Zambian soil. He is teaching me that I am NOT alone and that he does understand what I am going through. It was a lesson that I deeply needed to learn and has made my personal relationship with Christ become even stronger. I am starting to understand what it means to truly have that one-on-one relationship with God, and I am loving every minute of that. Through the things God has let me experience, my desire to know him more has grown exponentially. Please pray that these experiences aren't just a "high" as the Christian community calls it, but a truly life changing, altering event in my life that I can continue to draw upon and grow from. My deepest desire right now is to know the heart of the living God as much as he knows mine. Although I know that can never completely happen, I love knowing that I will and can keep learning about him and experiencing what he can do.

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