Sunday, July 21, 2013

Prayer as an Evangelizing Tool

A few weeks ago at church, the bible study talked about using prayer as an evangelistic tool. We talked about Paul and Silas in the jail and the chains fell off after the prayed. Well, I wasn't so sure how it applied to my life, but God showed me today. I went to the barber shop where my host dad works with his best friend Mike, and Vincent was hanging out inside. Vincent the 22 year old that sells popcorn right outside the shop. Anyway, we started talking about the day, and I asked if he had gone to church today. He said he hadn't gone to church but he had prayed this morning. He asked if I had prayed for him today when I was at church. I hadn't but I offered to pray for him right then and there. He immediately agreed. I was not expecting him to say yes. It was actually the first time I've offered to pray for anyone spur of the moment like that I think. I was nervous; I didn't know what to pray. I don't know him all that well. Just a familiar face. But I prayed that God would make himself known to Vincent and that God would capture his life. I do think I put the Bible study into practice. It was a complete God thing though. I can't take any of the credit. I just listened to the Holy Spirit telling me to ask about church, that and it's a normal question on a Sunday for Zambians. I will continue to pray for him, so when he asks me next time I see him, I can say yes. But I also pray that I can continue to evangelize to him for the remainder of my time here. I think before I came to Zambia, I thought that evangelizing only happened at certain times and then the rest of your time you were "off" so to speak. But I've really come to realize that every time is a good time to evangelize even if I'm not on Chisomo's clock.


  1. So exciting to read of what God is doing in and through you. I especially love this post and your boldness, or rather, obedience, to pray for someone on the fly. I pray you find many, many more opportunities to follow the Spirit in this way. Walk in confidence that He will always show you how to pray for those He's called you to. Looking forward to more!
