Thursday, July 11, 2013

Unconditional Love

Who knew that love could manifest so quickly. In one week, I have grown to love the children at the drop in center. I feel possessive over them and want only what's best for them. They're my boys. I love them were they are at and with the love of Christ. I know Christ's love is the only way that I don't get frustrated with them sometimes. But at the same time, I see progress as they trust me a little more each day as I get to know them more too. I want to see them succeed and improve their lives just a little bit each day. But they're stubborn most of them. They have been hardened by the street and don't see any other alternative besides a life of "freedom," money, and drugs. My heart pours out for them. I want to a part of God's plans to effect their lives if at all possible. They just need someone to love them with God's unconditional love. They have been abandoned by all and left to fend for themselves. One boy can't believe that I care about his well being. He always asks, "me? Why are you worried about me?" It breaks my heart. They crave for knowledge as well. They don't take school for granted and treasure any time they are able to spend there. Just their spirit of honesty, even if you have to pry, they will open up to you, but you have to make the effort to get to the truth. Even after every thing they've told me about living on the street, I still can't imagine what it's like to sleep in the drainage ditches or under bridges, to be attacked on a regular basis. One boy came in with a knife wound today from an attack last night. I caught one smoking, and another said he wanted to cut himself because his life was so bad. And all that was before 9 o'clock this morning. But I just take it as it comes and still try to show them that God loves them and so do I. I try not to judge them for what they are doing because if I'm honest with myself, I would probably feel and do the same things if I was in their position. One boy said, "there is no God in the ditches." So while they are here at Chisomo, I try to show them God's unconditional love for them. Today I lead a Bible study on Deut. 31: 7-8 (abbreviated). I tried to explain to them that God is with them even on the street. He never leaves them so they don't have to be afraid.

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