Monday, July 22, 2013

So many questions...

How does God let this happen? How is this reality? Why is it real life that they have to make fires to stay warm because they don't have jackets like Julius said? Why did Jackson have to resort to stealing and then be in jail for 3 days? Why do they know how to pick pocket so well? Why do they only get 2 hours of sleep a night with a friend guarding them so no one attacks them or steals their things? Why do people look down on them and only give them money out of pity instead of letting them wash cans for work? Why is this the real ugly truth? Why does God allow such things? Why do the boys claim to want an education but take no initiative to go back to school? Why doesn't God save them? Why doesn't He save them already? Grab their hearts and not let go? Why is there abuse and why does it force so many of them to run away and fend for themselves? The world is an ugly place with so much pain. I hate sin. Why doesn't Jesus' light illuminate more? It seems like the darkness is snuffing it out and is winning on the streets. I feel in the midst of a very real war for the boys and all the other children who live on the street. They have no one to love them. They have to feel alone and abandoned. How do I show them that their not? It's so hard to be a light in a dark place of the world like Lusaka. While I feel like god is really present in the churches, He seems absent on the street at night. It feels like Jacob was right when he said there's no god in the the ditch. I know God is working because I see the change in Jacob, Tom, Sandy, and Richard. But I wish it was faster. I think it's slow because God gives us the choice to follow him. It's so hard to be patient when I think about the reality for these boys. I don't want them to have to suffer any more nights on the streets that feel God has forsaken. I want Jesus to come now and break the iron grip the devil has. The devil controls the drugs, beer, and money that entices the boys. And I think most of them use the drugs and beer to stay warm and to forget. But the devil uses those things to keep them in his power on the street. I hate that. Jeremiah 29: 7, 13-14 vs7: And work for peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you. Pray to the Lord for it, for it's welfare will determine your welfare. vs13-14: "If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you," says the Lord.

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